Jan and Wal

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Jan and Wal

Hello, our names are Jan and Wal. We are
Spiritual Specialists and Earth Healers, and we live in the picturesque Adelaide Hills with our big white dog.

In the early 1990's, we developed a method of
spiritual growth, spiritual transformation, and spiritual enlightenment called `Celestial Transformation'. Celestial Transformation gives you quantum leaps in your spiritual vibration and spiritual growth, it takes you beyond spiritual to divine, and then beyond that. We explain this in our books, `The Path To Divinity' and `Words of Power, Resonance for the Golden Age'.

We quickly realised that no other method of
spiritual growth on the planet came close to achieving what Celestial Transformation could give. And so we began a business, `Personal Transformation', to assist others in achieving their spiritual goals.

Enlightenment for everyone - Fast, Easy, Safe

Celestial Transformation is the world's fastest method of spiritual healing, growth and enlightenment. It is new, revolutionary, powerful, quick, easy, and safe.

You can either do it all youself or you can see us for personal coaching. You can do it yourself from the exercises given in our books (faster than any other method in the world) and you can visit us for personal coaching (this is the fastest way to highest growth).

A huge return on your investment - our books can take you higher than any other books in the world, and you can achieve more in a one hour personal session than you can achieve in a lifetime of meditation. You can achieve much more, much faster (in days and months instead of years and decades)

4 Major Milestones in Spritual Growth

1. Spiritual Ascendance (Ascension) is achieved by most people in their first personal session. There are many practitioners of spiritual techniques around the world that offer this but it can take years or decades using their methods.

2. Divine Ascendance (Divine Dominance - Higher than Spiritual) is a divine state and is much higher than Spiritual Ascension. No one else in the world offers this.

3. Highest Decision Making Dominance (Higher than Divine)
is the name of a major milestone in growth after Divine Ascendance. No one else in the world offers this.

4. Oneness with the Source of Highest Love (Higher than Higher than Divine). In reality you are Highest Love so this means returning Home in The Highest sense. No one else in the world offers this.

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